Officers & Board of Directors
Paula Carmack Denson, President of BFA
BFA encourages your active participation as a member! Each year, an annual member meeting and/or reunion are planned so BFA members can vote for directors and any other business items that may require a vote. Paid members for the current fiscal year will be eligible to vote and notified by email close to the actual date.
Board members are elected annually for a term of two years and shall be limited to three consecutive terms of two years each, except when there is an inability to replace that member. Directors who are unexcused for three board meetings during a one-year term may be asked to resign. Meetings for all Board members are held the second Monday of each month at a 7:00 PM (CST) meeting via ZOOM.
If you would like to serve on the Board or a Committee, please contact Paula Denson, President, at The BFA Officers and Directors are governed by the By-Laws, last revised and adopted June 29, 2020. In May 2024 some new amendments were approved by the members.
VP MEMBERSHIP: April Burleson Chester | VP FINANCE: Leslie K. Roane | EDITOR: Kay Burleson | SECRETARY: Laura Fouke
DIRECTORS: Sue Burleson Johnson | Camilla Mitchell | Jean Groendes | Robert Lee Burleson | David Lashley | Leslie B. Horan